Martin Bayley
Martin Bayley was a resident of Alderminster who was charged with the manslaughter of Thomas Grimmett on 14th April 1877 following an altercation at the Bell Inn. Read the newspaper article about the case by clicking on the document at the right hand side of this page.
Mary Francis
Mary Francis was a resident of Alderminster who stood trial at Worcester Assizes for the attempted murder of a Mrs.Jeffs of Goldicote by baking a cake for her which contained cyanide. The full story as reported in the newspapers at the time can be downloaded by clicking on the document on the right hand side of this page. Interestingly she was recommended for leniency by the jury that tried her but the Judge still sentenced her to transportation for 15 years! She was taken along with 170 other women prisoners to Van Diemen Land (now Tasmania). Her transportation details can be found by clicking on the other document on the right hand side of this page.
Silver Jubilee King George V 1935
With everyone in Diamond Jubilee mode, you might be interested to know that Alderminster celebrated the Silver Jubilee of King George V in 1935 in fine style. A committee was formed and a party arranged for the field that is now Sutcliffe Avenue. A write up of the activities on the day and the costs involved can be downloaded by clicking on the relative document on the right hand side of this page. It makes for lovely reading and was obviously written by a well educated person.
War Memorial details
Our thanks to Robert Howe who produced a very interesting paper on the Alderminster War Memorial which is situated in the Church at Alderminster by way of a plaque on the wall. He has researched the names of the people on the memorial and his paper and findings are downloadable by clicking on the appropriate document at the right hand side of this page.
Weddings in Alderminster
Robert Howe has been trawling the archives at the Stratford Herald and has found the three documents describing weddings that have taken place in Alderminster prior to the second world war. The documents can be downloaded from the documents on the right. They certainly knew how to describe weddings in days gone by!